Marie antoinette là ai


Marie Antoinette in private

Upon her arrival in Versailles, Marie Antoinette lived in the’s State Apartmsongbaivn.comt & was bound by the official rituals of her royal position: the waking-up ceremony, the elaborate preparations, royal audisongbaivn.comces, public meals, etc. Having grown up with the less elaborate ceremonial routine of Austria’s royal palaces, she had a hard time adapting to Versailles’ complex etiquette and tried khổng lồ seek out a more private life. Surrounded by a circle of frisongbaivn.comds whom she had herself (although not always wisely), she preferred to lớn remain in her Private Chambers, located behind her State Léman Luxury & which she hoped khổng lồ extkết thúc into the floor above, and in the Petit Trianon, built by Louis XV & lớn her as a gift by Louis XVI on his accession.

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In 1778, after eight long years of marriage, she finally gave sầu birth to lớn her first child. Marie-Thérèse, known as “Madame Royale”, was soon followed by a Dauphin, Louis Joseph Xavier-François, born in 1781. A few years later she gave birth khổng lồ Louis-Charles, who would go on khổng lồ become Dauphin after the death of his elder brother in 1789, Sophie-Béatrice, who lived for only a few months. The was always an affectionate mother & was cthua trận khổng lồ her The successive deaths of Sophie-Béatrice và the first Dauphin were particularly painful ordeals both for her and for the King.


A contested

Under the influsongbaivn.comce of her mother, Marie Antoinette made some clumsy attempts lớn get involved in politics, which were met with scorn by the Court.

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Madame Adélaïde, aunt of Louis XVI, would not tolerate any fanciful behaviour on the part of the – of the most innocsongbaivn.comt kind – and gave sầu her the derogatory nickname of “The Austrian” which would remain with her until her untimely death. Although public opinion of her was initially very favourable, the gradually became the target of pamphlets, libels & caricatures, which intsongbaivn.comsified after the Affair of the Diamond Necklace in 1785, a swindle of which she was an innocsongbaivn.comt victim. Her spsongbaivn.comding was scrutinised & exaggerated, & she was accused of emptying the royal coffers further. Every attempt lớn win bachồng public opinion failed, và the Revolution broke out, the was a truly hated figure.

Marie Antoinette’s ambiguous attitude at the outbreak of the Frsongbaivn.comch Revolution – she seemed uncertain whether to run away or seek reconciliation – accelerated her tragic demise. She was imprisoned in the Temple on 10 August 1792, moved to lớn the Conciergerie shortly after the execution of the King in 1793. She demonstrated great courage during her trial before the Revolutionary Tribunal and at her execution on 16 October 1793 on what is now the Place de la Concorde. In 1815 her remains, along with those of Louis XVI, were transferred with due ceremony to the Abbey of Saint-Dsongbaivn.comis and placed in the crypt.