Universal Windows Platform Development Là Gì


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Bạn đang xem: Universal windows platform development là gì

In this article

UWP is one of many ways khổng lồ create client applications for Windows. UWP apps use WinRT APIs to lớn provide powerful UI & advanced asynchronous features that are ikhuyễn mãi giảm giá for internet-connected devices.

To download the tools you need lớn start creating UWPhường. apps, see Get phối up, and then write your first phầm mềm.

Where does UWP fit in the songbaivn.com development story?

UWPhường is one choice for creating apps that run on Windows 10 devices, và can be combined with other platforms. UWPhường apps can make use of Win32 APIs & .NET classes (see API Sets for UWP apps, Dlls for UWP.. apps, and .NET for UWPhường apps).

The songbaivn.com development story continues to lớn evolve sầu, và along with initiatives such as WinUI, MSIX, và Project Reunion, UWPhường is a powerful tool for creating client apps.

Features of a UWPhường app

A UWP. tiện ích is:

Secure: UWP apps declare which device resources và data they access. The user must authorize that access.Able khổng lồ use a comtháng API on all devices that run Windows 10.Able to lớn use device specific capabilities & adapt the UI khổng lồ different device screen sizes, resolutions, and DPI.Available from the songbaivn.com Store on all devices (or only those that you specify) that run on Windows 10. The songbaivn.com Store provides multiple ways to lớn make money on your app.Able khổng lồ be installed and uninstalled without risk khổng lồ the machine or incurring "machine rot".Engaging: use live sầu tiles, push notifications, & user activities that interact with Windows Timeline & Cortana"s Piông chồng Up Where I Left Off, khổng lồ engage users.Programmable in C#, C++, Visual Basic, & Javascript. For UI, use WinUI, XAML, HTML, or DirectX.

Let"s look at these in more detail.


UWP apps declare in their manifest the device capabilities they need such as access to the microphone, location, Webcam, USB devices, files, & so on. The user must acknowledge & authorize that access before the ứng dụng is granted the capability.

A common API surface across all devices

Windows 10 introduces the Universal Windows Platform (UWP), which provides a common ứng dụng platsize on every device that runs Windows 10. The UWPhường core APIs are the same on all Windows devices. If your app only uses the core APIs, it will run on any Windows 10 device no matter whether you are targeting a desktop PC, Xbox, Mixed-reality headset, and so on.

A UWPhường phầm mềm written in C++ /WinRT or C++ /CX has access khổng lồ the Win32 APIs that are part of the UWP.. These Win32 APIs are implemented by all Windows 10 devices.

Extension SDKs expose the chất lượng capabilities of specific device types

If you target the universal APIs, then your phầm mềm can run on all devices that run Windows 10. But if you want your UWP phầm mềm khổng lồ take advantage of device-specific APIs, then you can vì chưng that, too.

Extension SDKs let you Hotline specialized APIs for different devices. For example, if your UWP. app targets an IoT device, you can add the IoT extension SDK lớn your project khổng lồ target features specific to IoT devices. For more information about adding extension SDKs, see the Extension SDKs section in Programming with extension SDKs.

You can write your tiện ích so that you expect it lớn run only on a particular type of device, và then limit its distribution from the songbaivn.com Store lớn just that type of device. Or, you can conditionally chạy thử for the presence of an API at runtime & adapt your app"s behavior accordingly. For more information, see the Writing code section in Programming with extension SDKs.

The following đoạn phim provides a brief overview of device families và adaptive coding:

Adaptive sầu controls and input

UI elements respond lớn the kích thước & DPI of the screen the app is running on by adjusting their layout & scale. UWPhường. apps work well with multiple types of input such as keyboard, mouse, touch, pen, and Xbox One controllers. If you need khổng lồ further tailor your UI khổng lồ a specific screen kích cỡ or device, new layout panels và tooling help you thiết kế UI that can adapt khổng lồ the different devices & khung factors that your ứng dụng may run on.


Windows helps you target your UI khổng lồ multiple devices with the following features:

Universal controls & layout panels help you lớn optimize your UI for the screen resolution of the device. For example, controls such as buttons và sliders automatically adapt lớn device screen kích thước & DPI mật độ trùng lặp từ khóa. Layout panels help adjust the layout of content based on the form size of the screen. Adaptive scaling adjusts to resolution & DPI differences across devices.Comtháng input đầu vào handling allows you khổng lồ receive sầu đầu vào through touch, a pen, a mouse, a keyboard, or a controller such as a songbaivn.com Xbox controller.Tooling that helps you khổng lồ kiến thiết UI that can adapt to lớn different screen resolutions.

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Some aspects of your app"s UI will automatically adapt across devices. Your app"s user-experience thiết kế, however, may need to adapt depending on the device the phầm mềm is running on. For example, a pholớn app could adapt its UI when running on a small, handheld device to lớn ensure that usage is igiảm giá khuyến mãi for single-handed use. When a photo lớn tiện ích is running on a desktop computer, the UI should adapt to lớn take advantage of the additional screen space.

There"s one store for all devices

A unified phầm mềm store makes your phầm mềm available on Windows 10 devices such as PC, tablet, Xbox, HoloLens, Surface Hub, và Internet of Things (IoT) devices. You can submit your tiện ích khổng lồ the store & make it available to lớn all types of devices, or only those you choose. You submit and manage all your apps for Windows devices in one place. Have sầu a C++ desktop ứng dụng that you want to lớn modernize with UWP features & sell in the songbaivn.com store? That"s okay, too.

UWPhường apps integrate with Application Insights for detailed telemetry và analytics—a crucial tool for understanding your users and improving your apps.

UWP apps can be packaged with MSIX & distributed via the songbaivn.com Store, or in other ways. MSIX allows apps to be updated no matter how they are distributed, see Update non-Store published phầm mềm packages from your code.

Monetize your app

You can choose how you"ll monetize your phầm mềm. There are a number of ways lớn make money with your app. All you need lớn bởi is choose the one that works best for you, for example:

A paid download is the simplest option. Just name the price.Trials let users try your phầm mềm before buying it, providing easier discoverability & conversion than the more traditional "freemium" options.Sale prices to lớn incentivize users.In-ứng dụng purchases.

Deliver relevant, real-time info to your users khổng lồ keep them coming back

There are a variety of ways to lớn keep users engaged with your UWP.. app:

Live tiles và lock screen tiles that show contextually relevant and timely info from your phầm mềm at a glance.Push notifications that bring real-time alerts to your user"s attention.User Activities allow users khổng lồ piông chồng up where they left off in your app, even across devices.The Action Center organizes notifications from your ứng dụng.Background execution & triggers bring your phầm mềm into lớn action when the user needs it.Your phầm mềm can use voice và Bluetooth không dây LE devices lớn help users interact with the world around them.Integrate Cortamãng cầu to lớn add voice command capability lớn your tiện ích.

Use a language you already know

UWPhường apps use the Windows Runtime, the native API provided by the operating system. This API is implemented in C++ & is supported in C#, Visual Basic, C++, và JavaScript. Some options for writing UWPhường apps include:

XAML UI and C#, VB, or C++DirectX UI và C++JavaScript & HTMLWinUI

Links to lớn help you get going

Get set up

Chechồng out Get set up to lớn download the tools you need to start creating apps, and then write your first tiện ích.

Design your app

The songbaivn.com kiến thiết system is named Fluent. The Fluent Design System is a set of UWP.. features combined with best practices for creating apps that perkhung beautifully on all types of Windows-powered devices. Fluent experiences adapt and feel natural on devices from tablets to laptops, from PCs to televisions, và on virtual reality devices. See The Fluent Design System for UWPhường apps for an introduction to lớn Fluent Design.

Good thiết kế is the process of deciding how users will interact with your app, in addition to lớn how it will look và function. User experience plays a huge part in determining how happy people will be with your tiện ích, so don"t skimp on this step. Design basics introduces you to lớn designing a Universal Windows app. See the Introduction to Universal Windows Platsize (UWP) apps for designers for information on designing UWPhường apps that delight your users. Before you start coding, see the device primer to help you think through the interaction experience of using your tiện ích on all the different khung factors you want to target.

In addition to lớn interaction on different devices, plan your tiện ích lớn embrace the benefits of working across multiple devices. For example:

Add services

Submit your tiện ích to lớn the Store

Partner Center lets you manage & submit all of your apps for Windows devices in one place. See Publish Windows apps and games khổng lồ learn how to lớn submit your apps for publication in the songbaivn.com Store.

New features simplify processes while giving you more control. You"ll also find detailed analytic reports combined payout details, ways khổng lồ promote your tiện ích & engage with your customers, và much more.

For more introductory material, see An Introduction to lớn Building Windows Apps for Windows 10 Devices

More advanced topics

How the Universal Windows Platsize relates lớn Windows Runtime APIs

If you"re building a Universal Windows Platsize (UWP) ứng dụng, then you can get a lot of mileage và convenience out of treating the terms "Universal Windows Platkhung (UWP)" và "Windows Runtime (WinRT)" as more or less synonymous. But it is possible to lớn look under the covers of the giải pháp công nghệ, & determine just what the difference is between those ideas. If you"re curious about that, then this last section is for you.

The Windows Runtime, và WinRT APIs, are an evolution of Windows APIs. Originally, Windows was programmed via flat, C-style Win32 APIs. To those were added COM APIs (DirectX being a prominent example). Windows Forms, WPF, .NET, và managed languages brought their own way of writing Windows apps, và their own flavor of API technology. The Windows Runtime is, under the covers, the next stage of COM. At the actual application binary interface (ABI) layer, its roots in COM become visible. But the Windows Runtime was designed khổng lồ be callable from a great range of different programming languages. And callable in a way that"s very natural to lớn each of those languages. To this end, access to the Windows Runtime is made available via what are known as language projections. There is a Windows Runtime language projection inkhổng lồ C#, inlớn Visual Basic, inkhổng lồ standard C++, into JavaScript, and so on. Furthermore, once packaged appropriately (see Desktop Bridge), you can Điện thoại tư vấn WinRT APIs from an app built in one of a great range of application models: Win32, .NET, WinForms, and WPF.

And, of course, you can call WinRT APIs from your UWP. tiện ích. UWPhường is an application Mã Sản Phẩm built on top of the Windows Runtime. Technically, the UWPhường application Model is based on CoreApplication, although that detail may be hidden from you, depending on your choice of programming language. As this topic has explained, from a value proposition point of view, the UWPhường. lends itself to lớn writing a single binary that can, should you choose, be published to the songbaivn.com Store and run on any one of a great range of device size factors. The device reach of your UWPhường tiện ích depends on the subphối of Windows Runtime APIs that you limit your ứng dụng to lớn calling, or that you call conditionally.

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Hopefully, this section has been successful in describing the difference between the công nghệ underlying Windows Runtime APIs, và the mechanism and business value of the Universal Windows Platkhung.