Háo Hức Tiếng Anh Là Gì

In sections 6 and 7 we translate eager và lazy functional computation respectively into concurrent computation & prove sầu that complexity is preserved.

Bạn đang xem: Háo hức tiếng anh là gì

The story appealed to the public và almost all newspapers và news programs were eager to lớn cover the same story in the same way.
In the 1920s, the school was eager lớn distinguish itself from the government schools as a means of attracting more pupils.
This is most obviously the case in eager learning methodologies, lượt thích neural networks, where overfitting lớn the training data is an ever-present danger.
Interspersed with his infectious humour, his musings were a literal godsover to an eager if inexperienced doctoral student.
The onset of the vanaprastha or retirement stage is meant lớn coincide with the first son"s reaching maturity & eager to take over authority.
Within functional languages there are two main schemes for deciding the order of evaluation of an expression: lazy và eager.
This view was not his but that of the disciples, eager khổng lồ defkết thúc hlặng against conservative sầu critics whose orientation was towards symphonic composition.
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Xem thêm: Khái Niệm Giáo Dục Thể Chất Là Gì, Tài Liệu Giáo Dục Thể Chất Phần Chung





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